Can dogs eat leeks

I believe many parents, after having a furry child, will realize that although furry children may not be able to speak, at first they were just pets to us, but over time, they will realize that they are different from their own children.
More importantly, they are our family and the little angels in our lives.
Although they cannot speak, their love for us is wholehearted, as if they are completely focused on us. This is probably the kind of love that is full of love and wholehearted. Dogs love humans without reservation, and they are also the kindest animals in the world.
Therefore, it can be said that many parents are increasingly doting on their children, and sometimes even spoiling them. We all know that although we love our furry children very much, spoiling them is also a bad phenomenon.

Because if parents spoil their children too much, it is likely to cause them a lot of harm. One of the most obvious manifestations is that parents spoil their children too much, so they want to share delicious food with their children.

Can dogs eat leeks

You will also think that you think this thing is delicious, so save money and let the hairy child taste it. This can be said to be a good thing and should be shared together.
But what we need to understand is that dogs are different from humans, and their digestive system and intestines are also different from ours. Humans can digest and absorb a lot of things, but for dogs, that is an additional physical burden.
What most of us know is chocolate, which may be very delicious for us humans, but for dogs, it is a deadly poison.
Similarly, some owners really enjoy eating leeks and find them very delicious, so they want to share them with their furry babies. So, can Mao Baobao eat leeks?
Some parents may say that their furry babies seem to have no problem eating leeks and are lively and active. But in fact, dogs are intolerant of leeks. Simply put, most dogs cannot eat leeks. If your dog eats a small amount of leeks, it may only be a few milligrams, which may not have much effect. However, if you feed your dog a large amount of leeks, whether it is a small or large dog, it can cause gastrointestinal indigestion and vomiting. In severe cases, it can directly lead to food poisoning. Therefore, although we love our furry dogs, we cannot spoil them too much!

Can dogs eat leeks

I know of an example where my cousin’s classmate, a girl, raised a teddy. When we went to her house to play, we found out that she actually fed her dog chocolate. We told her that her dog couldn’t eat chocolate, and she was surprised and said, really? My dog loves chocolate the most.
To be honest, I believe there are probably many treasure owners like this girl who are too lazy to go online and find out what dogs cannot eat.
Of course, it is also possible that the information on what dogs should not eat on the internet is too scattered. I have summarized a list for the owners for reference.
1. Fruits that dogs cannot eat: grapes, walnuts, cherries, pineapples, lemons, persimmons, sugarcane, avocados, apricots, mangoes, pomegranates, pits, and seeds
2. Snacks that dogs cannot eat: milk, chocolate, candy, alcoholic beverages, soda, nuts, raisins, coffee, tea, almonds, pistachios, and magnolia
3. Vegetables that dogs cannot eat: scallions, ginger, garlic, onions, chili peppers, tomatoes, peanuts, celery, chives, mushrooms, cauliflower, bean sprouts
4. Foods that dogs cannot eat: salty, high sugar, high fat, seafood, shellfish, raw meat, cat food, poultry bones, fish bones, raw eggs, iron vitamins, xylitol, animal liver, rice cake, fermented foods, cheese
5. Fruits and vegetables that dogs can eat: carrots, pumpkins, apples, pears (the pits of apples and pears are absolutely not allowed), watermelons, cantaloupes
Overall, I think pet owners should have the right mindset when feeding their dogs, and not try to give their babies all kinds of delicious food just because they love them.
I remember when I first started raising a dog, after checking the information, I only gave the dog dog dog food, but in my heart, I actually felt guilty to the dog and wanted to give him what I was eating.
Later on, I realized that this mentality was unacceptable.
If you want your dog to be healthy, it’s better to have simpler food and don’t worry about insufficient nutrition.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:

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