What can’t kittens eat

Cats are our loyal companions and family members, and we all hope that they can live a healthy and happy life. But did you know that some foods we can eat are harmful or even deadly to cats? Today, I will share with you 5 foods that cats cannot eat. Don’t feed them randomly anymore.

Milk and dairy products

Many people believe that cats like to drink milk, which is very nutritious for them. However, this is a misconception. Most cats lose the ability to break down lactose after weaning, which means they may develop lactose intolerance.
If they are fed milk, cheese, ice cream and other dairy products, they will experience digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and bloating. So, for the health of cats, it is best not to feed them milk and dairy products.

What can’t kittens eat

Chocolate and foods containing theobromine

Chocolate is a favorite of many people, but for cats, it is a poison. Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which can stimulate the nervous system and heart of cats, leading to poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning include difficulty breathing, accelerated heartbeat, convulsions, coma, and even death. The higher the cocoa alkaloid content in chocolate, the greater the harm it poses to cats.
Therefore, whether it is dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate, they cannot be given to cats to eat. Similarly, other foods containing theobromine, such as chocolate cake, chocolate cookies, chocolate sauce, etc., should also be avoided for cats to consume.

Onions, scallions, garlic, and other onion and garlic based foods

Scallions and garlic are commonly used seasonings in our daily cooking, but they can be harmful to cats. Scallion and garlic foods contain a component called propyl disulfide, which can damage the red blood cells of cats and lead to hemolytic anemia.
Hemolytic anemia can cause cats to experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing, fatigue, loss of appetite, pale mucous membranes, and bloody urine. In severe cases, it can even endanger life. Therefore, do not feed your cat any food containing onions and garlic, such as hot pot, stir fried vegetables, soup, etc.

What can’t kittens eat

Grapes and raisins 

Grapes and raisins are popular fruits and snacks for many people, but they can be fatal to cats. Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure, shock, and death in cats.
At present, scientists have not discovered the specific mechanism by which grapes and raisins are toxic to the kidneys of cats, but there are already many examples to prove their harm. Therefore, for the safety of cats, do not feed them any food containing grapes and raisins, such as wine, grape jam, grape biscuits, etc.

Chicken and fish bones

Chicken bones and fish bones are the leftovers from eating chicken and fish meat. Some people believe that since cats like to eat chicken and fish, chicken bones and fish bones can also be given to them.
In fact, this is very dangerous. Chicken and fish bones are very sharp and can easily scratch the cat’s mouth, throat, and digestive tract, leading to bleeding, infection, and perforation. Chicken bones and fish bones stuck in a cat’s throat can also cause suffocation and death, so do not feed the cat any food with bones, such as chicken feet, fish heads, fish tails, etc.

The above are 5 foods that cats cannot eat. We hope everyone remembers not to feed cats indiscriminately anymore. The health of cats requires our care and care. Let’s be responsible cat slaves together.

What can’t kittens eat

What food does a kitten eat?

1. Younger kittens are suitable for consuming some milk liquid, and the best food is milk powder, which is also easily digested and absorbed by the kitten.
2. Cats can also eat some food rich in energy. For example, we will crush Mantou and ham sausage, mix them together, add some hot water, and make them liquid.
3. Of course, what kittens like most is fish, especially some fish with heavy fishy smell, such as tuna and sardine.
4. Chicken liver is also a favorite food for kittens, as it has a strong taste and can provide them with additional nutrients.
Finally, kittens can generally eat sheep milk powder, nutritional cream, milk cake, kitten food, canned kitten food, etc. After 3-4 months of age, owners can also feed cats an appropriate amount of chicken, beef, carrots, vegetables, apples, watermelons, pet biscuits, and other food. Due to the different foods that cats at different age groups can consume, owners should feed cats appropriate foods based on their actual age and physical condition.

Original article author:Shit Shovel Officer,If reprinted, please indicate the source.:https://www.petcatanddog.com/article/931.html

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